Saturday, February 5, 2011

Two Bros From Reno: United At Last

This whole Korean New Year thing was a bit of a let down for me. Koreans have a festival, but mainly they party, play cards, and hit the Sulchip (bars). It was not a total loss because now I scored this cool LED watch for 10000 won in a place near Itae-Won.

In other news I got the whole foreigner experience. Luckily I was not in the military or I could not use the global assault to my sinus canals known as a club restroom. I'll be frank for now: I am not much of a club person. I do not really care for them one bit. However, when 1.5 liters of soda starts pouring through my body, desperate times calls for desperate measures. Forget what you guys think you know about clubbing. There are no fire hazard laws in Korean clubs. So if places get packed; they really get packed. And no I would not be exaggerating when I say that they get packed. They get China's population density in Beijing packed. That is no joke. So if your claustrophobic, avoid the clubs at all costs. They are a smoke filled wasteland of honnies and hotties. While were at it, let's get back to the bathroom. I had to wait in line to take a leak in the most disgusting bathroom I have ever been in in my life. The smell was so rank that I thought my  all my nose hairs were going to be hinged. I only wish I was exaggerating.

If you want to find a place to score, Itae-won's for the win. Seriously, I did not believe my friend when he said there was a place called Hooker Hill. Here, you need to take caution because there are some prostitutes that bat for both genders. I was scared to even try anything with anyone there. It was either a tranny granny, or a "bar maiden". But for those that want to know more, I would say this much: go inside one of the bars and "order" a drink. I'll leave it at that. As I was leaving, I totally turned down a street walker for sex. I think she must of thought I could be easily convinced because as I was hailing a cab to flee the scene of crime I was being chased out of Itae won by an aggressive hooker. So in a nutshell: that is Hooker Hill. 

 So back to my friend Bruce who happened to land here before I did...He is a brave soul stepping into the heart of the jabberwocky trying to get a GF in Korea. Before we decided to do this long drawn out escapade, he went on this site called and looked for someone to go with us. Most of the normal people usually gave a prompt "no" to this persistent soul-searching paladin (he's a little obsessed with D and D), but lo: around 4ish, we finally got people to come hang out with us tomorrow! I will meet two people in Incheon and I will probably recover from my thrown off sleep schedule sometime next Korean New Year. Maybe I turned into a vampire after the cutie with the three inch needle happened to extract four pints of my blood. Yeah--I'm still a little bitter about that. Overall, this misadventure is one for the books. And imagine that I probably still have at least 30-40 years of living to do!   

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