Ok this is going to suprise mainly the Americans that read my post, but near my hogwan is a hopital and apparently they are not restricted to the bed! I was shocked when I went to Lotteria to study Korea and low and behold there is a a patient with an IV eating a burger combo! He had the night gown, the nursing assistant, the whole nine yards! I wish I had a camera to take a picture, but I been too busy at work to actually spend time to look for a decent camera that won't cost me an arm and a leg.
I actually had to talk myself into going in because I actually have a cold right now and I didn't want to get sicker. I am going to keep this post brief, because I am still sick. I'm convinced that he was probably from a nursing home in Korea and he was given permission to eat there. And I'm also convinced when I get to the age to be thrown in a nursing home, I'll check myself into a Korean one!