I think I am offically the most scatterbrained person I know. I need to somehow figure out a way to devise a decent lesson plan that other people can follow for the middle school readers or (Lake) readers. All the kids are given American names and I have no idea what their real names are. It is kind of sad :(. I wouldn't really buther them (much), but I understand why they were given the names. It is so I can remember them easier and so I can take attendence even faster. (That is my conclusion for now, so I am sticking to it!)
Okay so why am I scatterbrained? Only I can accidently pull somebody else's luggage and not bother to check it before leaving the airport and not even bother to unpack it until a week later. I guess I am not too bad right? Oh wait, I forgot my own way home three days ago. I am just now getting around to report missing and mistaken luggage. I feel really awful, because Samuel probably went without clothes for a few days.
Soon I will be handing out reminders to myself to wash rince and repeat. Le sigh~